
About me

My name is Sylvia, welcome to my brand new website, please step inside and see my pretty necklaces and bracelets. I have made each item of jewellery shown here by hand and I hope they reflect my love of colour, composition and design.

I like to make attractive and innovative jewellery which although affordable is a quality product that my customers can enjoy wearing as much as I enjoy creating. Each item of jewellery is handmade and unique, I never repeat any of my designs.

As well as glass and acrylic beads some of my creations include a variety of semi precious stones from around the world.

If you wish to place an order for specific colour combinations please contact me.
I will be happy to design a necklace, bracelet or both . . . . just for you!

I hope you enjoy my website and if you do, please tell your friends and relatives where to find me.

Sylvia James




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